1. I had a good start in life; not rich by any means, but from a great supportive family.
2. Those who fight for our freedom.
3. The colors pink,black and silver.
4. A faithful God.
5. I have a job.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
1. a vehicle that gets me places
2. my sister
3. mc donalds cheeseburgers
4. rest
5. peace
Sunday, November 6, 2011
1. my husband
2. our church family
3. i didn't get hurt when i wrecked a couple weeks ago
4. music
5. quilted feathers design on quilts
1.Thankful for a good nights sleep the last 2 nights (I don't usually sleep well).
2. For my parents.
3. For my inlaws.
4. Love watching reruns of the Waltons ;)
5. Applebutter, especially when there are biscuits too.
1. Psalm 51:10, Isaiah 64:8, Matt 5:13-16 The occasional need of being broke down so that The Lord can get rid of junk that has slipped in and fill those places with himself.
2. The ability to get things done that need to be done.
3. My home (even though it's a little filthy and neglected right now).
4. Pumpkin spice candles.
5. Plenty of food to eat.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
1. my husband
2. my warm home
3. i have a vehicle to drive (even though it's a loaner)
4. great family
5. i work with a good bunch of ladies
1. Family
2. Forgiveness
3. My wonderful husband
4. Grace
5. Creativity
Thursday, April 21, 2011
1. God points out things I need to fix 2. My family 3. a clean house 4. i have a job 5. being able to move and run 6. rainy days
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
1. answered prayers 2. warm spring days 3. i like rainy days too 4. red tulips 5. hugs from my husband 6. spicy wings 7. a clean kitchen counter and sink 8. creativity 9. seeing things in a different ways 10. green grass
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Not necessarily in this order, but as I was thinking of them... 1. 28 healthy years of life 2. blessed with more than I could have imagined 3. family 4. home 5. a vehicle that gets me where I need to go 6. God's forgiveness 7. God's love 8. God's faithfulness 9. people who care about me. 10. the opportunities I've had to reach out to others
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Oh goodness, it's been a while. I promise, I'm still thankful for things. 1. the migraine I had this morning is better now after a four hour nap 2. i love my husband 3. the ability to run and move 4. hot wings 5. my sewing machine 6. new opportunities 7. meeting new people 8. my whole wonderful family 9. laughter 10. our couch
1. So thankful for a warm home. Our heat pump is broke and caused the oil furnace to continually run. We didn't know anything was wrong until we ran out of oil. Now we have oil and are waiting for the part for the heat pump to come. 2. New year, new beginnings. 3. Hocho aka hot chocolate ;) 4. Days off with the hubby. 5. A wonderful family.
This is my daily delight diary. My goal is to post at least 5 things that make me happy or things I am thankful for each day I log onto blogger. No matter what kind of a day I'm having, this is my reminder that I am blessed.
A pastor, a teacher and a coworker inspired this idea. Several years ago my pastor preached a message titled, "It Could Always Be Worse." The sermon talked about how no matter what your going through God can get you through it and you can almost always look around and see someone going through a tougher time than you. The teacher was my psychology teacher about a year ago. He said that one way to keep your mind sharp is to reflect on your entire day before going to bed, and write down the best and worst thing that happened. Lastly my coworker talked about keeping a gratitude journal of things she was thankful for and writing in it each day.