1. I have clothes to wear. 2. I have a washer and dryer and I don't have to do it by hand. 3. I love my parents. 4. Double sided tape, what a neat trick. 5. Coconut cake.
1. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Psalm 116:15 2. Coffee and vanilla caramel creamer. 3. My sweet husband who laid in the bed and talked until 1am last night. 4. Caring family and friends. 5. rest.
1. I love my family. 2. Comfort, feel like he was saved, don't know for sure, but don't feel uneasy about it either. 3. Sweet tea. 4. My pillow and my cozy bed. 5. Thank goodness I had a cell phone today.
This is my daily delight diary. My goal is to post at least 5 things that make me happy or things I am thankful for each day I log onto blogger. No matter what kind of a day I'm having, this is my reminder that I am blessed.
A pastor, a teacher and a coworker inspired this idea. Several years ago my pastor preached a message titled, "It Could Always Be Worse." The sermon talked about how no matter what your going through God can get you through it and you can almost always look around and see someone going through a tougher time than you. The teacher was my psychology teacher about a year ago. He said that one way to keep your mind sharp is to reflect on your entire day before going to bed, and write down the best and worst thing that happened. Lastly my coworker talked about keeping a gratitude journal of things she was thankful for and writing in it each day.